What is Search Engine Optimisation?

Search engine optimisation is enhancing your website to improve the amount of traffic from search engines. SEO can target both paid and unpaid traffic.

Harper Digital SEO AucklandStructured data

Search engines use structured data to understand the content on a page better. It helps them rank content more accurately and improve users’ experience. Learn more from Harper Digital SEO Auckland.

In addition, structured data can improve organic traffic and click-through rate. When used correctly, it can also help businesses keep up with the changes in the search engine landscape.

An excellent way to get started is with the Structured Data Markup Helper. This tool allows you to select elements and highlight them on your website.

This tool is one of the most popular ways to generate structured data. However, there are many other options. These tools may use a different process and may work differently. Verifying your site’s structured data is essential regardless of your chosen method.

Structured data also qualifies your content for rich results. Rich results include ratings, reviews, and other relevant information about a web page and can also have additional contextual information. For example, a search for chicken pot pie may include a recipe. The recipe’s ingredients, the time it takes to make the dish, and the number of votes received are all part of the rich snippet.

Search engines are continually improving how they aggregate information. The prime objective of a search engine is to provide a positive user experience. With structured data, Google can do this more efficiently.

Google uses structured data to populate the Knowledge Graph box on the search results pages. It is located on the right-hand rail of the SERP.

H2, H3, and H4 headers

The H1 and H2 heading tags are search engines’ most heavily weighted components of on-page content. They make content easy to digest and outline the page for users to navigate.

H2 and H3 headings are used to break up the content into separate sections, just like chapters in a book. These headings should be arranged in a particular order and relate to each other.

A well-constructed heading makes the content more readable, and it will also encourage readers to continue reading. Google recognises that users are likelier to click on a page with a great headline than one with poor formatting.

In addition to breaking up the content, H2 and H3 headings are essential for on-page SEO. Using them effectively is critical to success, as with any other marketing strategy.

When searching for content, people browse through the first few pages of a search result. That’s why search engine optimisation experts are working to improve the quality of these first impressions. Using heading tags properly will help search engines understand your page’s structure and thus prioritise it in their ranking system.

While there is no right way to use headings, following simple guidelines is essential. Ensure your H2 and H3 headings correspond to the content of your main topic and remember to include your keywords in them.

Internal linking

Internal linking is a vital part of search engine optimisation. These links help visitors to your website find what they are looking for faster. The right kind of internal linking can also increase your search engine rankings.

Internal links are similar to backlinks. They are hyperlinks that link to another page within your site. Having a large number of connections can give your site more exposure.

It can also lead to more page views, lower bounce rates and improved conversion rates. In addition, proper internal linking can send a strong message to Google. For example, a relevant, well-placed internal link can point users to a valuable article on your website.

A keyword map is a great way to identify long-tail keywords. It will be especially important if your site offers multiple products or services. Also, a well-crafted keyword map will ensure that each site page ranks for your desired terms.

One of the quickest ways to increase your search engine ranking is by linking low-authority pages to high-authority ones. Doing this is free and easy.

Aside from helping to boost rankings, it is also an excellent way to build user engagement. Users will stay longer on a page, allowing you to increase conversions.

Meta description tags

In search engine optimisation, the meta description tag can be one of the essential parts of your website’s HTML code. Not only can it help your page appear in search results, but it can also improve your page’s click-through rate or CTR.

Generally, the meta description is a short description of your web page. It is displayed underneath the title of the corresponding page in the search engine results. It aims to attract readers and get them to visit your page.

While there is no guarantee that your description will appear in search results, writing a quality meta description is a good idea. A poorly written meta description will only increase your bounce rate and make your page look less credible.

The meta description should be concise but attractive. Ideally, the report should be 160 characters long. However, the length will vary based on the content on your page.

If you have a product page, mention the item’s best feature. Also, be sure to use keywords in the meta description. By using keyword-rich content, you give your page credibility.

It would help if you also considered adding a call to action, or CTA, to the meta description. Adding a simple call to action, such as “Click here to learn more,” can increase the chances of a user clicking through to your page.